i can protect my woman

In the room, the voices of the two men's conversation could still be heard from afar.

An Xiaowan couldn't help but purse her lips tightly.

she leaned against the wall and raised her head to look at the lights on the ceiling. her expression was a little complicated.

Ye Jingyan was still speaking. everyone knows about your relationship. Then, spread it in the entertainment industry. It's enough to be an Xiaowan's backer. don't tell me that you really want to get serious and talk about the future?"

the lights seemed to shake slightly.

upon hearing this, an xiaowan took a deep breath, lifted her feet, and quickly left.

indeed, ye jingyan was right.

It seemed that she had been too naive about this matter.

Regardless of Huo Shen's attitude, the other members of the Huo family would never allow such a high-profile thing to exist. if it was just a tacit agreement in private, perhaps they wouldn't say anything, but to really put it out in the open?