bring her back to the country

The air seemed to freeze for a moment.

special assistant luo was stunned as he watched hongye suck out the poison with her mouth.

They were still unable to determine what kind of poison it was and how strong it was, but Hong Ye had actually slipped away. Although Special Assistant Luo had the same idea at that moment, Hong Ye's speed was too fast!

"hong ye, let me do it." special assistant luo quickly pressed her shoulder.

however, hong ye raised his eyes and said calmly, " "Do not cause unnecessary sacrifices."

Since one person had already started, then don't let the other person fall into danger!

special assistant luo frowned and fell silent.

after a while, huo shen's wound gradually turned white. hong ye's lips were stained with a layer of purple.

An Xiaowan bit her lip and looked at Hongye's lips, unable to look away for a long time.

Hongye furrowed her brows tightly. After a while, she could not hold on any longer and fainted.