Mouth to mouth, feeding medicine

An Xiaowan walked into the ward on the plane.

The ward was exquisitely decorated, and the two beds were not close to each other. The surrounding facilities were very complete. To be honest, the space was not small for two patients.

she took a deep breath and tried to comfort herself.

it's fine, she's just a female subordinate. besides, she's unconscious, so what's there to be unhappy about staying in a double ward?

"Miss an?" special assistant luo glanced at the dazed an xiaowan.

an xiaowan took a deep breath, suddenly raised her hand and ordered, " "move the two beds away." after she finished speaking, she felt that she was being too petty, so she smiled and added, " "this is to prevent the patients from having respiratory convection and getting infected."

Wasn't the disease of catching the flu due to breathing something that only happened to infectious diseases?

they were not affected at all!