i beg you to wake up

this wouldn't change her mind!

"miss an, please hold on." mrs. huo's face darkened and she blocked an xiaowan's way. " we're bringing shen 'er home. it's not convenient for you to follow us. "

special assistant luo was stunned and stopped in his tracks.

Mrs. Huo! he was about to say something, but Mr. Huo's look scared him back.

an xiaowan narrowed her eyes, her red lips curved up slightly, and she said gently, " Mrs. Huo, I've been with Huo Shen all this time. He's in a coma now, so I hope I can be with him.

huo shen's current condition was not what they had imagined!

although she didn't want to be so narcissistic, special assistant luo had also said that whenever huo shen's old illness suddenly broke out, only she could help him relieve it. He was unconscious now because the small amount of poison had triggered his old illness. Under such circumstances, she had to stay by his side!