must get her to come

special assistant luo's car carried an xiaowan and quickly followed the huo family's car. they passed through the heavy gates and entered the heavily guarded huo family home.

an xiaowan looked at the inspection and verification along the way, as well as the doors, and her eyes flashed with surprise.

it was at this moment that she truly felt how different the huo family was from the ordinary rich families.

"miss an, we're here." special assistant luo opened the car door for her.

an xiaowan stood in front of the majestic and elegant huo family building and couldn't help but open her mouth.

this building was exactly like the imperial palace in ancient times!

upon entering the huo residence, huo shen was led directly to the bedroom on the second floor of the inner building. Inside, all the medical equipment had been set up, and the entire medical team of the Huo family was waiting for orders.