Vinegar spirit, vinegar King, and vinegar monster

the distance was simply too far.

However, Huo Shen's eyes, which had undergone sniper training, were still clearly locked on an Xiaowan. Moreover, when he saw that scene, his pupils suddenly shrank!

an xiaowan's hand was being grabbed by another man?

Huo Shen's eyes narrowed and his sexy lips pursed.

In an instant, the entire conference room was filled with a terrifying danger and pressure. the man who was talking about the powerpoint suddenly felt a chill down his spine. he lost his grip on the stylus and it fell to the ground.

in the park, after the signal to end the game stopped, gu yingsheng still did not give up and threw a ball in that direction before stopping.

Mu linyun quickly handed her a towel and wiped her sweat.

gu yingsheng was irritated and said with a long face, " "we've lost,"

"It's okay, there's still the next game." Mu linyun said with a good temper.