i really value you

after looking around, everyone's eyes slowly fixed on a handsome man in a black shirt.

he was dressed extravagantly, exuding an elegant and cold temperament, and the aura of a noble king. Under everyone's watchful eyes, he entered the sealed Black Swan Park as if there was no one else around. No one dared to stop him.

Who was this Yingluo?

His aura was stronger than a superstar's, his figure was better than a supermodel's, and even though he was too far away to see his face clearly, just the outline of his face was enough to make him extremely handsome!

Who was it?

"h-young master huo?" sister su shan, who was standing on the side, was the first to see huo shen's arrival. she immediately panicked and quickly looked at gong li and an xiaowan before turning back to look at huo shen.

she took a deep breath and stood in front of huo shen with a strong sense of righteousness.