filming paused

His tall figure and powerful movements made everyone's eyes light up.

then, he held his breath.

the handsome man with perfect facial features, who was like a god, actually swam to an xiaowan's side. he stretched out his big hand, picked her up, and held her in his arms.

the princess in the water!

everyone was dumbfounded. they felt that this scene seemed to be even more alluring and pink than the scene of gong li holding hands just now!

an xiaowan first felt the corner of her clothes being tugged by something, then she lost her balance and fell back in a daze. The moment she fell, she was prepared to choke on the water. She quickly closed her mouth and held her breath.

the moment he fell into the water, his entire body sank.

However, an Xiaowan, who had yet to dog paddle and try her best to float up, suddenly felt that she had been pulled up by someone.

Was it Gong Li?