huo shen's cooking skills

an xiaowan looked at the man who was squatting down and crying, and opened her mouth.

But the next second, she took a deep breath and smiled. cry at the bar? "

To be able to cry meant that they had come out of the saddest swamp.

" alright, yingluo. " the man responded while sobbing.

At the bar.

since it was daytime and they were going to a bar, it was not noisy inside.

After ordering two bottles of wine with low alcohol content, an Xiaowan poured him a glass and handed it to him after he finished crying.

chidori took it and lowered its head in embarrassment.

"why don't you comfort me like the others?"

"Is comforting useful?" an xiaowan chuckled. " at that time, yueyue, i hoped that someone would slap me to wake me up. "

chidori looked at her for a while. " i'm sorry for my misunderstanding of you before. i'm sorry."

this woman, yingluo, was not what he had thought.