the meat patties are heart-shaped

"Eh? i saw it. otherwise, how could i aim it at his mouth?" An Xiaowan blinked, her red lips slightly curved, her expression happy.

however, he didn't realize the deep meaning behind his words.

luo, who was standing not far away, was full of anxiety.

Why didn't miss an react to young master Huo's warning?

The shape of the meat patties! shape!

Young master Huo, a man who might never enter the kitchen in his life, was actually cooking for a woman today. This was enough to surprise everyone for eight to ten years. No one would believe it even if it were to be spread.

however, what was even more unbelievable was that young master huo had actually put in so much effort into this meat pie!

It was too surprising for a straight man to think of such a little romance.

However, miss an didn't notice Wanwan.