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Huo Shen sat there with his hands crossed. His dark eyes were full of deep waves.

the entire room was filled with the hellish aura of death.

everyone's head was lowered, and even their breathing was subconsciously lighter.

"speak," he said. Huo Shen said in a deep voice.

his cold voice sent chills down one's spine.

The dark-skinned man's lips curled up, revealing a subtle yet strange expression. my brother, he has a personality ... the drug addicts loved to taste all kinds of beautiful women. almost every day, they would patrol the area. the city of moly's happiness was one of his prostitutes. The hospital."

the man sneered in disdain as he spoke.

"Who is it?" huo shen didn't care about his emotions. he just squinted his eyes coldly and spat out a word.

" this is the master of the city of joy in moly. "

the air around them fell silent for a few seconds.