xiao wan, don't be afraid, it's me

Special Assistant Luo couldn't help but look away, and his entire body trembled.

Oh my God.

&Nbsp; how did this happen?

could it be that they were still too late?

Although he only took a glance before looking away, the woman's torn dress and her embarrassing appearance in the empty room were still fresh in his memory.

after searching the surroundings, luo carefully stepped forward and reported, " "Young master Huo, there's no one here."

at this time, huo shen was already standing beside an xiaowan.

"all of you, get out."

A tense and hoarse voice, with a hint of uncontrollable trembling, entered the ears of the people who had turned their eyes away.

special assistant luo quickly waved his hand and asked everyone to leave.

the moment the door was gently closed, the clicking sound made special assistant luo and everyone else's hearts sink slightly.