huo shen's surprise

Ye Qingqing's eyes narrowed and her eyes turned red.

That was the day she completely lost her relationship with Huo Shen. How could she forget that?

even the days when she was abroad, she would always remember how long it had been since huo shen contacted her and spoke to her. therefore, when an xiaowan mentioned the 100-day anniversary, ye qingqing immediately made the connection.

she had been possessed and drugged brother shen a little more than a hundred days ago.

after that, an xiaowan went to make brother shen's antidote. after that, brother shen broke up with her and heartlessly refused to see her.

the day brother shen recovers will be the day they get together?

Ye Qingqing's eyes were dazed and her hands clutched the door handle so tightly that her knuckles turned white.