Young master Huo, are you proposing?

Dibei city was where Huo Shen used to live.

After that, ever since an Xiaowan barged in, he moved away in anger.

there were no other reasons. first, he felt that it was not glorious to be raped by a woman here. Secondly, every time he lay on this big bed, the feeling of that woman from that night would always appear in his heart.

of course, he had also thought that after that night, his habit of loathing women would be cured.

However, he soon realized that this was not the case.

As a result, she moved out of dibei city so that she would not think about that night again.

an xiaowan was led by him, her head hanging down as she followed him inside.

When she had barged in that year, the entire dibei city had gone out of power. Or rather, the heavens were on her side. That night, many of the circuits in the entire imperial capital were broken.