i can't guess their thoughts

"why don't we take her blood and do a blood test?" mrs. huo suggested.

Lying there, an Xiaowan closed her eyes tightly.

she tried her best to calm her breathing, but her chest was filled with a heavy feeling of suffocation.

that one sentence sent a chill down her spine.

However, she was still consoling herself in her heart. After all, the doctor just now had not given her a definite diagnosis, so it was very likely that she was not pregnant.

her physical condition was actually very bad. in the days when she had to do anything to make money, she had been an extra and a substitute. some of the body doubles and extras were just random people on the streets, or jumping off buildings and other martial arts scenes, but there were also some scenes where big stars were unwilling to do for their bodies, so the body doubles did it.

For example, she had once taken over the plot of an explosion and falling into the water in winter.

and it wasn't just once or twice.