do you like children?

They didn't tell her about the situation, and they didn't ask her to abort the child immediately. What was the reason?

On the surface, she might have thought that they were considering whether to accept her. however, an xiaowan felt that things were not that simple.

an xiaowan buried her face in the pillow. hiding in the room, she suddenly felt extremely helpless.

Let's not talk about what the Huo family would think. Did she want this child?

she loved huo shen. although she was sure of that, was she in love with him to the extent that she could have a child with him?

If she were to get pregnant and give birth, there would definitely be a period of silence for at least half a year. The fashion industry was forgetful, and she was still on the rise. After half a year, all her current efforts would be in vain. in addition, if she was not careful after giving birth, her figure could be out of shape, which was the most fatal point for a model.