The figure in the middle of the dance floor

at five o 'clock in the afternoon, the banquet began.

In the middle of the ship, there were banquet halls one after another. They were decorated in all kinds of styles, decorations, and styles.

the first one an xiaowan walked into was the classical scenery of europe. beautiful oil paintings were hanging all around, and waiters and performers in ancient european palace costumes were distributed among them. the food and decorations on the table were all european.

in addition, there were also modern styles, ancient China, fresh islands, and fiery native americans.

as she wandered around, an xiaowan's eyes became more and more narrow.

There were too many people here!

in each banquet hall, there were all kinds of waiters and performers. in addition, there were also all kinds of celebrities standing there. Everyone was dressed differently, but they were all equally luxurious, elegant, and beautiful.

How am I supposed to find Yingluo?