Can't take it anymore!

The distance was a little far, and the people in front were still walking around, blocking her view.

But she still saw it clearly with just one glance.

The figure in the middle of the dance floor was too familiar, so familiar that it was almost engraved into her bones.

he was just as everyone had said. he was wearing an exquisite black suit. the smooth cut wrapped around his perfect body proportion, and his noble aura was hard to ignore. further up was his handsome face. his facial features were profound and perfect, as if they were flawless. his pair of dark eyes were like the bottomless ocean, causing people to sink in.

Huo Shen! an Xiaowan stood rooted to the ground. No matter how crowded the people were, she could not move.

He was standing in the center of attention, which was not unusual. After all, he had always been like this.

however, she had never seen him standing with another woman and receiving the gazes of so many people.