shen 'er, you're awake?

"yueyue, i'll go back and get something." An Xiaowan rolled her eyes. Just as she was about to hang up, she thought of something and her voice became soft and calm. by the way, when are you coming back? I'll treat you to a meal to thank you.

"oh, then i'm going to eat something expensive."

"No problem. I'll treat you to anything expensive." she smiled and said in a low voice.

a meal was nothing.

if not for gong li's kasaya,

She placed her hand on her lower abdomen and let out a breath.

after hanging up the phone, an xiaowan took out the medicine that dr. peter had prepared and ate it. then, she lay down and rested for a while.

Pregnant women needed to rest more, otherwise, the child would not be able to develop properly.

She really did not expect this child to come, but since things had come to this, she would work hard and do her best.