let's go home

The surrounding air seemed to be brewing with a pitch-black chill.

Huo Shen's eyes were fixed on an Xiaowan, not moving away for a moment.

an xiaowan subconsciously stood up and looked at him. her eyes moved slightly and her eyes were slightly red.

She took a deep breath and suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and the extreme urge to rush up and hug him while crying. She stood in place, her mind blank.

don't, please don't show it.

An Xiaowan took a deep breath and told herself to show her acting skills, but she still couldn't help but feel a lump in her throat.

"Huo Shen," she mumbled, Breaking the Silence.

mr. huo was afraid that she would say something else, so he narrowed his eyes and immediately walked up to her. " shen 'er, why did you come out? you've just woken up, so you're still very weak. come with me to the room and lie down."

but huo shen was still looking at an xiaowan.

His eyes were fixed on her.