The young master fainted!

an xue had always listened to du yunlan, so after hanging up the phone, even though she didn't know what was going on, she immediately bought the earliest flight ticket, casually packed two rooms of clothes, and rushed to the city.

On the way, she heard du yunlan's Secretary explain the whole thing.

So, an yanmo had a father! it turned out that an jiancheng had been in charge of the an family in his early years and had great prestige and ability. However, she had never returned to the an family after that. Hence, she had no idea that she had a grandfather.

She went there this time to prevent an Xiaowan from winning an Jiancheng's favor and to stop him from returning to the capital.

an xue took a deep breath. on the plane, she had been writing a draft.


At night.

outside the huo family mansion, a luxurious car drove into the courtyard without any obstacles.

It was Huo Shen's signature Car model and car plate number.