old mr. hua is here

In an instant, the entire Huo family was in chaos.

mr. and mrs. huo didn't even bother to give any orders and ran straight to huo shen.

At this time, he had already been quickly helped up by the servants. Two servants carried him to the room next door.

special assistant luo followed closely behind, also in a panic.

Less than half a month had passed, and young master Huo had fainted again!

In the past, although he was in pain, would lose control of his emotions, and would even smash things, he would not fall into a coma for no reason, so he would hide in his room in advance.

one day was all it took.

but recently, he had been in a coma all of a sudden.

She didn't even know if she would be unable to wake up like before.

Everyone was in a panic. They had wanted to go up the mountain to find old Mr Hua, but now it seemed that they could not wait and could not go.

Huo Qilin quickly picked up his phone and called Hua Yan.