the next step, dna test

"huanhuan, hurry up and get in the car." an xiaowan looked up at ni huan, who was in a daze, and reached out to take the pomelo from her arms.

"oh, coming, coming." Ni Huan came back to her senses and quickly got into the car.

It was very quiet in the car.

Youzi played and jumped on an Xiaowan's lap for a while. Finally, she was tired and slowly became tired.

As for an Xiaowan and Ni Huan, they were both deep in thought.

Ni Huan was thinking about the distinguished man in dibei city, the man named Huo Shen, the man who was the young master of the Huo family. could it be that ran ran was ran ran youzi's father?

On the other hand, an Xiaowan was thinking that Huo Shen would not let this matter rest.

since he had his suspicions, he would definitely confirm it.

What kind of action could really confirm youzi's identity?

Thinking of this, an Xiaowan's heartbeat suddenly sped up uncontrollably. Even her blood seemed to be tense and flowed backward crazily.