chapter 1207-kidnapping

When he pushed the door open, he was greeted by a wave of silence.

huo shen walked slowly to the place where he and youzi had been, his tall figure standing still.

the situation at that time appeared in his mind again.

youzi shouted "mom" and rushed over. it seemed that she had seen an xiaowan first and wanted to rush over to her. Later, ni Huan suddenly ran out and intercepted youzi.

huo shen squatted down and searched carefully on the sofa.

at the same time, an xiaowan had already returned to the apartment.

In the apartment, Xia duo came out with a drawing board. She frowned as she held a brush and started drawing.

on her beautiful and delicate little face, there was some gloominess that she didn't usually have. she didn't seem to be concentrating on painting, and instead seemed a little upset.

"Duoduo?" An Xiaowan walked forward and pulled a chair to sit beside her.