Chapter 1208-desolate

As a result, there was no one here today.

"who's going to carry them?"

The men didn't really want to do this, so they looked at each other.

after all, one of them was si linghan's woman and the other was huo shen's woman.

"Hmph," he snorted. the man who had come up with this idea in the first place snorted coldly and stood up. he pushed out two wheelchairs and said, " use this. "

Yingluo, f * ck! That's amazing!

Thus, everyone put the two women in wheelchairs and pushed them out of the car.

After passing through a stretch of old factories and houses, everyone's footsteps came to a slight halt.

In front of him was a mountain, and at a glance, he could see a dense and boundless forest.

The deep green that stretched as far as the eye could see made it look like a mysterious forbidden land. At the same time, it also seemed like a place full of danger.

"There's no signal on this mountain, so it's probably not easy to find."