she wanted to help him

She raised her eyes and looked at the tall figure standing on the side of the stage.

He was dressed in a well-tailored, handmade suit. His shoulders were wide and his hips were narrow. He had a perfect figure and an extraordinary aura. People could see him at first glance.

Special Assistant Luo had already walked to his ear and told him what had happened, but his expression did not change much.

soon, ye qingqing returned and the banquet continued.

After the cake was cut, the lights came on.

Even the first dance that ye Qingqing had invited Huo Shen to was canceled at the last minute and changed to Yan Cheng and ye Jingyan's performance.

For a moment, an Xiaowan felt a little upset.

Then, for some reason, she suddenly thought of Gong Li's advice to her not long ago. Xiao Wan, it's very dangerous for you to be like this. Yingying, stay away from Huo Yuan. I don't want you to become a sacrifice in the vortex of power.

these words circled in his head.