either help or throw it away

"What did you say?"

"how can this be? absolutely not!"

"this is suicide!"

An Xiaowan had just started explaining the plan when everyone jumped up in unison, expressing their shock and disagreement.

"Xiao Wan, didn't you already break up with Huo Shen? why do you have to meddle in his business?" Su Shan's face was full of disappointment. It was the first time she found out that there was such a stubborn woman like an Xiaowan in this world.

other people only joined the huo family when they were rich, but she only changed her retreating attitude and rushed to the front line when the huo family was about to be in trouble.

Chidori also frowned. He could actually understand an Xiaowan.

if the woman he loved was still alive, not to mention that the plan had a high chance of failure, even if there was no plan and it would only lead to death, he was willing to do it.

however, he was a carefree person, but an xiaowan was different.