i disagree

An Xiaowan did not go immediately. Instead, she first looked for news from various platforms, pulled out a few good analyses from them, and read them carefully.

After using it as a reference, she wrote a simple draft for herself.

The cooperation with the Huo family must not be resolved!

This smart hotel would definitely make money in the future. They couldn't abandon it because of this. As long as there were people supporting the Huo family, the Huo family would have a greater chance to rise again.

the an family's largest conference room was already filled with all the upper management and shareholders present.

When an Xiaowan arrived, most of the people were already in place.

Among them, an Xue seemed to be a little happy.

she was wearing a rose-red dress, her hair was dyed linen gold, and she had cut her bangs, which made her look very young. she looked pure and lovely.