chapter 1319-is it a crisis or the greatest opportunity?

Upon hearing this, everyone burst into an uproar.

Now that the situation had come to this, why wouldn't he agree?

"everyone, listen to me first." an xiaowan saw that everyone was already making a ruckus, so she cut them off and waited for the crowd to quieten down before continuing.

"i think that we should wait and see for now and deal with the changes by not making any changes."

her eyes were filled with a calm and mature light, and she had an aura that made it easy for people to listen and believe her.

an xiaowan said and stood up.

" first of all, based on your suggestion, if we stay away from the huo family, we will lose the profit-sharing that a smart hotel can bring. if the huo family rises again in the future, we may lose an extremely perfect partner. "

"but what about the gains? We only obtained stability and maintained the status quo, which was unchanged or even worse."