i really liked you back then

Half an hour passed by quickly.

But because of ye Jingyan's involvement, everyone had to exchange their bags of supplies.

the sky gradually darkened.

The strange thing was that the lights at the scene did not light up.

an xiaowan took out her flashlight and was about to turn it on when she suddenly saw someone in the corner.

The man was very tall. He stood behind the tree, casting a dark shadow. he was dressed in black and had a mask on his face, hiding his entire face.

wanwan was huo shen?

Although she couldn't see it clearly from a distance, an Xiaowan felt that way inexplicably.

she took a deep breath and suddenly slowed down her pace.

"aiya!" an xiaowan let out a low cry and pretended to fall. at the same time, she hid the real gun by her waist in the grass!

lu bei hurriedly turned around and walked over to help her up. " why are you so weak, woman? "