now, kiss him!

the sound of a gunshot rang out!

however, if one listened carefully, they would realize that it was two gunshots!

and one of the sounds was faster than the other!


there was a subtle sound of bullets passing through flesh, and blood suddenly spurted out.

At that moment, an Xiaowan quickly pretended to fall to the ground and used this to avoid the bullet. but at the same time, ye jingyan also fell!

she was shocked and looked up from the grass.

ye jingyan's face was pale as he bent down to cover the wound on his leg. his eyes exuded an eerie chill as he suddenly shot behind him again!


the gunshot rang out again.

This time, he aimed at Huo Shen!

An Xiaowan's heart was in a panic. She hurriedly stood up, but Lu bei pressed her down like he was playing whack-a-mole.

The night was dark and quiet.

when yan cheng heard the gunshot, she was so scared that she ran in the opposite direction.