do your best to be a qualified yingluo's wife

An Xiaowan's entire body was held by him and attached to his body.

She hooked her arms around his neck, not panicking at all. Just like that, she kissed his lips with great strength, heart, and passion.

Time seemed to have stopped in their world.

it was as if the two of them were the only ones left in the world.

Lu bei, who was standing at the side, opened his mouth. For some reason, a rough man like him actually blushed shyly.

did the weather get hotter?

lu bei fanned his face and shifted his gaze to the sky.

Cough, cough. Why did Yingluo come to this strange place to eat such a big bowl of dog food?

he had clearly said that he was here to train and exercise his muscles and bones. why was the plot going in the wrong direction?

the kiss lasted for a long time.

However, the sound of a gunshot broke the atmosphere.

an xiaowan suddenly stopped the kiss and looked into the distance.