You don't have any doubts about your background?

"You're sure she is?"

An Xiaowan couldn't help but ask, " who did you find? did you match his looks, family relationship, experience, and so on? "

"actually, we don't know what it looks like. no one knows." lu bei answered in a low voice.

"yingluo, so you've never seen this person before?"


"don't they have any other special characteristics?"

the people in their family are all very good-looking, Yingluo. Lu bei glanced at an Xiaowan.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft." An Xiaowan almost spat out her tea. She couldn't help but laugh."what kind of characteristic is that?"

Besides, Yan Cheng was not particularly good-looking.

An Xiaowan didn't say this, but asked kindly, " do you need me to help you find yan cheng's family information? "

"Oh, okay." lu bei nodded his head.

in dibei city, special assistant luo was on duty today. hence, he quickly handed the information to an xiaowan and lu bei in the tea room.