The lunch box full of the sour smell of love

today was the shooting day of the highly acclaimed movie that an xiaowan had fought for.

The location was chosen to be on the suburbs of the imperial capital, a place that required more than two hours of driving to reach.

Huo Shen saw that it was almost time and sent a text message to an Xiaowan.

--How long more?

After waiting for ten minutes, an Xiaowan finally returned.

- I'm afraid it'll be very late, O()O don't wait for me.

she was having lunch with everyone outside the venue when she sent the text message.

However, although it was the same lunchbox, the food in an Xiaowan's lunchbox was different from the others.

susan looked at her lunchbox for a long time, and finally couldn't help but reach out her chopsticks to take a bite.

After tasting it, her eyes immediately widened, and her face was full of shock.