chapter 1510-breaking the door and snatching people

"speak!" Aside from Xia duo, si linghan only had this one attitude towards anyone else, regardless of their identity or gender. It was impossible to change.

When he saw Xia duo trembling, he felt pity for her and didn't know what to do. However, when this woman in front of him teased him, he could only feel impatient.

" my ran ran, i was carried here by ran ran and you ran ran ran, " the girl said softly.

"Hug?" si linghan's hands were clenched into fists by his sides.

he suddenly walked towards her, his chiseled face cold as iron. he raised his big hand and suddenly clasped her neck, as if he was dealing with an enemy on the battlefield.

"speak! Who sent you?"

His large hand slightly clenched.

The girl immediately struggled with all her might and pushed him away.

However, the muscles all over his body were like an iron wall, and it was impossible to move them.

Her face turned from calm to anxiety, and then to a suffocating red.