A different woman

nian 'er?

Never heard of it.

Si linghan felt that this matter had become a little troublesome.

He pushed the door open and called his subordinate over. He ordered, " "Send her out,"

"Master si, to whom?" he looked around but did not see anyone.

Si linghan took two steps closer and saw that the woman was half-collapsed on the ground. She was coincidentally covered by the bed and could not be seen from the door.

It was so troublesome.

"get out!" he ordered coldly.

the girl trembled for a moment, and after a few seconds, she carefully stood up.

The subordinates at the door were all dumbfounded.

Only the heavens knew how lonely they had been by master SI's side all these years. There was no gossip to talk about, and he didn't even see a girl for half a day.

The female master, even in this big house, she didn't show her face much.

It was even more so for other female creatures.

and now!

it was now!

A different woman had actually come!