hot-blooded age

He was si linghan's father.

he was dressed in a handsome military uniform and a military cap. his tall figure was valiant and heroic, and his aura was extraordinary. although he was already middle-aged, he did not show any signs of gaining weight. he was still very thin and straight.

He had an imposing aura, and many subordinates followed behind him as they walked into si linghan's house.

The people at the door all made way for him.

"master si, the old master is here!" The subordinate anxiously knocked on si linghan's door.

Upon hearing this, si linghan's brows twitched slightly.

suddenly, he felt his temples throb.

"i'll leave from the back door first." As expected, si linghan spoke. His tall figure turned around. He didn't walk along the corridor but headed straight for the balcony. He pushed open the door and was about to jump down.

after jumping down from the balcony, he could quickly reach the back door. however, this place was not short.