I like everything

si linghan had first worked so hard to get a wife he liked, so logically speaking, he should have loved her so much that he couldn't let her go and couldn't get out of bed. However, her stomach had not moved for several years.

And now, he had spent the whole night with a woman in the same room, and nothing had happened.

"old man, what's with that look?" Si linghan's voice was frosty, and a dangerous glint appeared in his eyes.

The father and son had been practicing martial arts since they were young, and they had always gotten along in this way.

"You little rascal!" old master si cursed, then frowned and said, " "Do you have a problem with Yingluo?"

"Bullsh * t question!" Si linghan exploded. Rolling up his sleeves, he said, " "Old man, do you want to fight?"

"Little brat, I'll beat you to death!"

After the father and son's angry roars, the sound of fighting could be heard outside the house.

everyone looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.