You're jealous?

the next day, an xiaowan first looked for a lawyer and talked to him for the whole day. then, she called lu bei.

Although she didn't know who Lu bei was, she felt that he was the most suitable person to ask for information.

in the video, lu bei was having a meal in a huge and luxurious restaurant.

An Xiaowan couldn't help but be a little surprised, because this place was really too empty.

in front of him was a part of the dining table, and behind him was a large empty space. the walls were very luxurious, and there were many paintings hanging on them that were obviously authentic works of famous people. she could also see the milk buns on the wall, the servants standing in a fixed position, and the chefs serving the dishes.

"this is simply the life of a royal."

When Lu bei heard this, he immediately burst out laughing. no, no, no. It's all thanks to beauty Jing.

Hearing the word " beauty, " Jing luochen raised his quiet eyes and fixed them on Lu bei.