don't be unhappy

"ai! Jing luochen, where are you going?" Lu bei was even more confused.

why did he get angry the moment she said he was jealous?

He just wanted to ask if Jing luochen was unhappy that he, who usually didn't answer any calls during dinner, actually picked up an Xiaowan's call during dinner.

Lu bei couldn't care about anything else. He quickly threw away his cutlery and chased after her.

"Wait, what's going on?"

jing luochen's face, which was as beautiful as a painting, moved away. he walked around lu bei and continued to walk forward.

"don't be unhappy. at most, i won't pick up your phone when i'm eating next time." lu bei quickly expressed his loyalty.

but jing luochen's brows furrowed again, and he walked around him again.

jing luochen's assistant carefully pulled lu bei, who wanted to continue chasing him, and whispered, " " general lu, please stop chasing him. young master is in a bad mood. you'll only make things worse. "