young master huo came to visit

Being dragged to the dining table, an Xiaowan lowered her eyes. After a long while, she raised her head and looked at the two serious men sitting opposite her.

she cleared her throat and felt a little strange.

Of course, it was not that she could not tell them about this. It was just that everything had happened too suddenly, and even she herself was not ready.

"Speak." an jiancheng raised his eyebrows.

"yingluo is what you see." an xiaowan spread out her hands. " huo shen and i have already registered our marriage. "

An yanmo's eyes darkened, and his expression turned serious. have you considered it? "

An Xiaowan nodded. although it's a little sudden, I don't regret it. I've also thought about it. I'll definitely be happy with him.

"then why didn't you tell us in advance?" an jiancheng frowned.

although he had not spent much time with this child, they were close after a generation. he actually had quite a lot of feelings for this granddaughter.