I love her without any exaggeration

An Xiaowan was stunned. She didn't expect Huo Shen to do this.

Logically speaking, they had only parted ways at the entrance, and it had not even been an hour. How did he have the time to prepare so much?

moreover, he had changed into a set of formal clothes, and his hair had been combed very formally and neatly. he was in high spirits, solemn, and handsome.

huo shen brought his pile of gifts and finally stood in front of an xiaowan's table.

"I'm very sorry. I seem to have disturbed your meal by visiting at this time, right?" huo shen's usual cold, arrogant, and noble appearance had changed. his posture when he spoke was surprisingly low and very polite and humble.

an jiancheng reacted and immediately smiled, " it's fine, it's fine. I'm not disturbing you. Since you're here at this time, let's eat together.