Landing on an isolated island

Huo Shen's eyes flickered and he looked away, driving even faster.

They quickly arrived at the airport, took their luggage, and boarded the plane.

On the plane, red leaf and blue Devil had already arrived. The other three were loading and unloading combat supplies.

At the same time, the Huo family's troops, who were a step too late, had surrounded the airport. they rushed in, trying to force them to stop flying, but the plane had already taken off and started to move.

The car was chasing after the plane, and it seemed like it would not stop until one of them died.

an xiaowan looked at the cars below and the figures standing in the distance. for some reason, she suddenly thought of huo shen, who had come to stop her and did not want her to leave the imperial capital for fergora.

at that time, he would stand below and watch their plane fly further and further away. how would he feel?