Chapter 1762-changed Yingluo

An Xiaowan nodded hard, took a deep breath, and put her hand on Huo Shen's big hand.

the moment the two of them held hands, an xiaowan suddenly froze for some reason, and a strange warmth emerged in her heart.

It wasn't like the feeling of holding hands in the past. Instead, there was a strange sense of memory flowing through her fingertips.

An Xiaowan frowned slightly. She felt as if something had flashed past her mind in a flash, but it was gone in a flash.

"Xiao Wan?"

standing at the entrance of the submarine, huo shen raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman who was in a daze. he gently pulled her hand.

an xiaowan came back to her senses and quickly followed him onto the submarine.

the submarine was relatively small and was also a device to prevent tracking. they had already sent people to investigate the water route for a long time before they found an undetectable route.

Late at night, the submarine finally reached the shore.