Decay from the inside

huo shen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the words "paradise."

Then, he looked around.

How could it fit the description of a 'paradise'?

the village nearby was deserted, the road condition was very bad, and the living environment was dirty and messy. there were piles of garbage in the distance that no one had cleaned up. it really looked like an uncontrolled countryside.

Huo Shen knew that an Xiaowan had a special feeling for fergora. After all, she had been here for such a long time and was pregnant with a child here. when he thought of this, a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

Therefore, after his gaze flickered, he comforted her in a low voice, " it's probably because this place is too remote. Every city has a particularly dirty place.

An Xiaowan bit her lip. She could only think this way for the time being.

Thus, they continued to move forward.