chapter 1923-daybreak

the rope was very difficult to untie. fortunately, an xiaowan had been trained by huo shen for a period of time, so she had a little foundation and managed to untie it with great difficulty.

As soon as the restraint was released, little White's body suddenly swayed to the side, as if it was about to fall.

She had been locked here for so many years, and now that she was suddenly released, she was actually a little unaccustomed to it.

It swayed, got up with difficulty, and fell a few times before it found its balance. His body was very light, and he felt as if he was about to fly into the sky.

But he couldn't fly.

It tried to keep its wings between its legs and followed behind an Xiaowan pitifully.

it followed closely, almost rubbing against an xiaowan as it walked. it also swayed like a duck, looking really silly.

An Xiaowan's heart ached a little. She took a deep breath and walked forward quickly without saying anything.