There might not be an antidote

His body was cold and his expression was pained.

An Xiaowan was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat. Her mind was frantically trying to recall how Huo Shen looked when he had a relapse.

it seemed that the formula in her mind was not the antidote.

It was probably some kind of medicine that could alleviate the symptoms.

An Xiaowan closed her eyes and suddenly felt her eyes burning. She really wanted to squat on the ground and cry.

she had always known that there were many dark corners in this world. after all, with light, there would definitely be shadows. And under this shadow, there would always be people who would wear masks and do some extremely terrifying things.

human experiments were one of them.

this was one of every country's unspeakable secrets. it was like a new drug developed for a terminal disease. before it was born, there must be countless poor patients who could not afford to be cured and became its tester.