chapter 1926-retreat!

the place she had escaped to seemed to be a long distance away from here. she didn't know if she could return in time to take him and the people who had stayed behind to drill.

An Xiaowan hesitated for a moment and finally decided to run to the last point.

after lighting it, she threw away the match in her hand and returned to her previous position. raising her head, she could feel that the distance between them was getting closer and the tremors were getting stronger. she could not help but frown.

She thought for a long time before she suddenly had an idea.

He raised his hand, took off the watch on his wrist, and threw it on the ground.

On the other side, Huo Shen's heart skipped a beat. He slapped his watch hard and looked at the no-life icon on it. His handsome face turned pale.

"stop!" Huo Shen suddenly ordered.

the drilling team immediately stopped, wiped their sweat, and looked up at him.