Chapter 1927-farewell song

Special Assistant Luo and blue Devil stood quietly behind Huo Shen. They looked at each other when they saw him staring at the watch in his hand. They felt that he was a little Moody at the moment, so they did not dare to speak.

Time seemed to pass by slowly as they waited.

An Xiaowan, who was in the underground palace, was sweating profusely. She felt that time had passed too quickly.

It was so fast that she didn't have time to think. She could only keep running forward.

after huo shen's voice stopped, she didn't know if he believed her. she could only rely on her intuition and run as fast as she could to the finish line.

the three fuse points had been confirmed to be ignited.

An Xiaowan took one last look at Xiaobai. She stood in the middle of the long corridor and slowly turned around on the spot, taking in all the rooms.

All the animals nearby raised their heads, enduring the pain and tears in their eyes, and let out low, shrill cries of gratitude.