chapter 1930-the ship is about to crash!

why haven't the beasts on the island come out yet? "

"Previously, they were all shouting so loudly, but now they are so quiet."

there's no movement at all. It's like it never existed.

Everyone even looked at each other and could not tell if it was real or illusionary.

The whispers of several people rang in her ears. Huo Shen hugged her tightly and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

but an xiaowan could not feel anything.

she just looked in the direction of the island with red eyes, choking on her breath, and was so stiff that she couldn't move.

tears blurred her vision and fell heavily from the corner of her eyes.

goodbye, xiaobai, qingqing, and everyone else.

no, it was not goodbye.

It was an awkward farewell.

As the ship went further and further away, the island suddenly rustled with a boom.

he was completely submerged in the sea!

"I'll go! what's going on?"

“god! the island has fallen into the sea!"